RTT Install Guide

- Grab your friend and lift the tent onto your crossbars. No need to center it just yet!
- On both sides of the tent, slide in the single mounting bracket/bolt without the bracket like the picture below.
- Once all four of these are in, lift one side of the tent high enough to slide the mounting bolt past the crossbar so it is on the inside of or between the two crossbars. Repeat the same step on the other side of the tent.
- Next you will take the mounting bolt with the bracket and slide it into the tracks on both sides of the tent. Place the inside bolt through the open side of the bracket and add the locking nut back on.
- Now is the time to center or place the tent to your liking. For the perfect fit use a measuring tape and measure the distance from the rail to the end of the rack and adjust accordingly so you have the same measurement on each side.
- Once your tent is centered and you ensure it clears any rear hatch doors (if applicable), use the supplied 13mm ratcheting wrench and slowly tighten the locking nuts. Doing this process too fast or using air/electric tools can cause the bolt and nut to heat up and seize. We also highly recommend applying anti-seize for this step.
**After driving 30 miles, recheck all of your mounting hardware to ensure it is still tight. We also suggest to do this process monthly, after every time you offroad and use a torque marker for easy inspection.